It looks like what FAM will do is to look for another coach for the national team. I tell you what, whoever that they chose will not help our national team. This guy will surely be sacked just like others before him.
I know we all agreed that it is the FAM top management that need to be sacked. The Sultan of Pahang should graciously leave the stage for others. After all, 25 years is just too long. In corporate world if the CEO can't perform, it is off he goes. It is ridiculous that one man can stay in position for that long without having someone to challenge him. Maybe you know why and i don't.
To spend so much money yet still zero results and so much humiliations (more to come i bet you), any wise guy will tell you drastic changes are needed. First thing is to see changes in FAM. Second is the state affiliates. To give so much money to the State FAs and blamed them for not managing it well sounds stupid. Take an example, if i know my son is not spending his allowance wisely, i will just reduce it until i see that he spend it carefully. Why continue to give them so much? Ensure that grassroot football are not neglected. Only with a large pool of players that we tend to have more choices. I don't want to say more. Lets hear it from others.
Any comments??