Aiyoyo!! What to do today between 4-7 o'clock ah?? That was the feeling of a lot of our kaki bola. Well! I can feel the same too you know? Having all set to play a game today only to be told that it has to be postponed! Alamak i ....
Big Loong called early in the morning saying i should try look for another team to play- just to feed the appetite of these hungry footballers. I know. We can find a team easily if given 24 hours time BUT to do it in the matter of a few hours is a tough call. Try i did.. but to no success. The last hope was hinged on UPM Staff team. Coach Saheh said he would let me know latest by 3:30pm but it turned out that he could only get 6 guys to play. So, game tak jadi. In the end, Big Loong, Bullet, John, Kenny and me went over to the factory outlet store in Summit to scout for any good adidas bargains. The result was : 4 pairs of shoes, 3 for Big Loong and 1 for Kenny. A real sweat deal with Predator Swerve going for only RM219 after a hefty 60 percent discount. This retail therapy sort of calm their nerves of not having a chance to play football on a fine Wednesday afternoon.

I received a call late this evening at around 9:30 from none other than Zul. Guess what? Our friend went all the way to UKM and found himself all alone. See you tomorrow night Zulhilmi. Cheers.
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