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Thursday, March 11, 2010

A Thrashing..

Facing up with the last minute change of venue, led to our downfall..What an excuse i said. But we were truly down and out having to fight with the much fitter and skillful young Africaners of INTI College.

The match was played in fast tempo with the old guns struggling to keep pace. Undaunted, several dangerous raids by us nearly saw us taking the early lead. It turned out that when you don't score, you get slaughered.

A much unwanted 0-5 loss was the order of the day. We lost to a much better team but kudos to those who played for displaying Wednesday FC trademark of never giving up. Kalah pun ada maruah lagi. Respect from the young opponents was there to be seen when they all shake our hands and congratulated the old horses for giving them a great match.

Next week, we will be back...

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